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Clawlib C++ Library Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
clawsoft::AllocationFailedExceptionA call to malloc or any other memory allocation routine has just failed, it may be posible that you are running out of memory or that this process is trying to allocate the maximum allowable memory size in the current system, sorry
clawsoft::AlreadyConnected2DBExceptionAn attempt to reconnect using the same connection failed because you are already connected
clawsoft::Array< T >Please use this class to implement dynamic arrays of objects
clawsoft::ArrayIndexOutOfLimitsExceptionThrow this exception when an operation over an array exceeds is inbound and outbound limits
clawsoft::AutomatedGCThis class is a more advanced interface for the garbage colletor, it will automatically check its garbage list to see if some TemporalBuffers has expired
clawsoft::BaseFileThis class implements the basic File I/O handling stuff, it is the base of every file-based UNIX subsystem
clawsoft::BitParseExceptionThis exception is thrown whenever you try to parse bit from an undefined format string or a too hard to transform datatype
clawsoft::BrokenPipeExceptionThis eception is thrown whenever the other end of communication has died or in the case of a socket when the remote host has closed connection without warning
clawsoft::BufferTooSmallExceptionYou are trying to write data in a buffer whose storage size is too small
clawsoft::ByteThis class represents a Byte, bit by bit and provides a means for accesing each bit individually
clawsoft::ByteParseExceptionUnable to parse a byte from here, probably the data is smaller than a byte?
clawsoft::CalendarUse this class to represent calendar objects
clawsoft::CantLoadDSOExceptionThis exception is thown whenever you're trying to load a DSO and some error ocurred
clawsoft::CantUnloadDSOExceptionIf a DSO cannot be unloaded, this exception is thrown
clawsoft::ChronographThis class deals with time based backward counters
clawsoft::ChronometerThis class deals with time counters
clawsoft::ConditionVarCondition variables is another type of synchronization device unlike the Mutex how locks and unlocks a thread, this devide does somethings a bit different, this one waits for a condition to be reached, if the condition in fact has been accomplished it will lock and unlock a thread or a set of threads that might be waiting for a conditiond to be reached on that specific ConditionVar object
clawsoft::ConditionVarWaitTimedOutExceptionThe condition variable was signaled before wait interval has been reached, as a consecuence the controlled Mutex will be re-acquired
clawsoft::ConnectionRefusedExceptionThrow this exception when the connection gets refused by the other host
clawsoft::ConnectionTimeoutExceptionThrow this exception when the connection passes the timeout
clawsoft::ConsoleThis class represents the console object, use to retreive and send data to the current Unix console
clawsoft::ContainerThis class is an interface for the container classes
clawsoft::DatabaseExceptionGeneric database exception
clawsoft::DatabaseInterfaceThis is the main interface for the database objects
clawsoft::DateThis class implements the basic date/time handling facilities
clawsoft::DateParseExceptionUnable to parse and obtain a Date from the current object
clawsoft::DBConnectFirstExceptionIn order to complete the current command to the SQL backend, please connect to the backend first
clawsoft::DBConnectionFailedExceptionUnable to connect to the specified database server
clawsoft::DBDriverInfoThis class holds information on database driver devices
clawsoft::DBServerUnreachableExceptionUnable to reach the database server
clawsoft::DeadLockExceptionThis exception is triggered when a deadlock is detected
clawsoft::DeviceNotFoundExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if while trying to open a special device file the associated hardware is not properly connected to the system
clawsoft::DeviceOrFIFONotFoundExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if while trying to open a FIFO filename the process owning the PIPE is not running or while trying to access a special device filename and the associated hardware is non-existent
clawsoft::DSOExceptionUse this exception whenever you want to throw a generic exception over a dso (dynamic shared object) event
clawsoft::DSOSymbolExceptionThis is a common error appearing whenever you cant load a symbol from a DSO
clawsoft::ElementNotFoundExceptionUse this exception when a search for an element returned no results or the results given doens't match what you were looking for
clawsoft::ExceptionThis is the parent class of all the exceptions;
clawsoft::FeatureNotAvailableOnPipesOrSocketExceptionThis exception is thrown when u are attempting to execute an operation that is only valid to common files and for PIPEs or Sockets
clawsoft::FileExceptionYou will only be seeing this exception if a generic (undetermined) exception has occurred on a file-based class
clawsoft::FileExistsExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you enable the checking while creating a new file in write or append mode
clawsoft::FilenameExceedsAddressSpaceExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are trying to reach file which is outside of the address provided by its parent directory
clawsoft::FilenameTooLongExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are attempting to open a very large filename
clawsoft::FileNotFoundExceptionUnable to find the requested file
clawsoft::FileNotOpenedExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you attempt to execute an operation on a non-opened file
clawsoft::FileOrDirectoryNotFoundExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are opening a file for reading and the currently opened file does not exist
clawsoft::FileTooBigExceptionThis exception is thrown whenever you attempt to write pass the maximum offset allowed or while writing a file will make it grow pass the implementation defined size for the current OS
clawsoft::GarbageCollectorThis the garbage collector base class, it is the basic object for temporary buffer collection an release
clawsoft::GroupThis class deals with group management and also provides means to search the system's user group database
clawsoft::GroupExceptionGeneric exception for the group class
clawsoft::GroupNotFoundExceptionThis exception is thrown whenever you are trying to browse the group database for a specific entry and that entry is not available or non-existent
clawsoft::InterruptedSystemCallExceptionThis exception is thrown whenever a system call is interrupted by another
clawsoft::InvalidParameterExceptionThis exception is thrown whenever you call a system call with an invalid paramter
clawsoft::IOExceptionThis is a generic exception for I/O events
clawsoft::List< T >This class handles single linked lists using templates, don't use this class if you intend to share it's data between threads if you do please use the appropiate semaphore or mutex code to prevent data corruption between threads, you have been warned
clawsoft::List< T >::nodeTThis subclass represents a node in the list it stores the information en the data member and has a pointer to the following node int the member next
clawsoft::LogThis class manages basic log file handling
clawsoft::MathThis class deals with time based backward counters
clawsoft::MathExceptionGeneric mathematical exception
clawsoft::MatrixUse this class to represent matrixes and solve common operations with them
clawsoft::MaximumNumberOfOpenFilesForThisProcessExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if the maximum number of opened files
clawsoft::MaximumNumberOfOpenFilesForThisSystemExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if this system has reached the maximum number of opened files that the kernel can handle
clawsoft::MemoryThis class deals with memory management and temporary allocated buffer
clawsoft::MemoryExceptionGeneric memory exception
clawsoft::MutexThis classes handle MUTEX (MUtuak EXclusion) sinchronization devices
This classes are designed to work with SDL's Thread encapsulation, GNU Pth or POSIX Threads
clawsoft::MutexExceptionThis is the generic exception thrown for mutexes
clawsoft::NetworkThis class is the main interface for all network objects
clawsoft::NetworkExceptionThis is a generic exception it is supposed to be thrown for undefined or generic network events
clawsoft::NetworkUnreachableExceptionThis exception is thrown when the remote host cannot be reached by this host
clawsoft::NoDataFetchExceptionUnable to complete the operation until you do a fetchRow first, sorry
clawsoft::NoMoreRowsExceptionThere are no more rows to fetch from this ResultSet
clawsoft::NoMoreTokensExceptionUse or trap this exception when you need to check if ha Tokenizer has no more tokens to find in the current string
clawsoft::NotEnoughKernelMemoryExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if there is not enough memory for kernel use
clawsoft::NotEnoughStorageSpaceExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if there is not enough room to to open this file
clawsoft::NullPointerExceptionThrow this exception when doing something that is not appropiate with a null pointer
clawsoft::NumberExceptionThrow this exception when expecting a number in an operation and and receiving something different
clawsoft::ObjectThis one is the most primitive of all the classes, the first ancestor
clawsoft::ParseExceptionGeneric parsing exception
clawsoft::PermissionDeniedExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if the current process does not own the rights to do a specific operation on this file
clawsoft::PluginThis is the plugin class, it adds an interface for loading dynamic shared objects to your program
clawsoft::ProcessThis class deals with user management
clawsoft::ProcOutOfFileDescriptorsExceptionThis exception is thrown when the process is going out of files
clawsoft::ReallocFailedExceptionI was unable to decrease/enlarge your memory buffer
clawsoft::RegexThis class deals with regular expresions
clawsoft::ResultSetThis class deals with result sets obtained from select queries
clawsoft::SecurityExceptionThis is a generic exception for security-related events
clawsoft::SemaphoreThis class implements mutual exclusion semaphore objects
clawsoft::SemaphoreExceptionGeneric semaphore exception
clawsoft::SemaphoreInitValueExceptionThe initialization value for this semaphore is too big, unable to create semaphore, sorry
clawsoft::SemaphoreUnableToDecreaseExceptionUnable to decrease this semaphore's value, it is already very low
clawsoft::SemaphoreUnableToDestroyExceptionI'm unable to destroy this semaphore right now, maybe one or more threads are waiting for it
clawsoft::SemaphoreUnableToIncreaseExceptionI'm unable to increase the value of this semaphore right now is bigger than the maximum defined by this thread implementation, sorry
clawsoft::ServerSocketThis class handles the socket server interface
clawsoft::SharedVar< T >This class is define template to implemented Shared varibles
clawsoft::SocketThis class provides all the functionality for working with TCP sockets
NOTE: This socket interface is not backward compatible with previous versions of the clawlib library, sorry but all the old interfaces were to redundant and for sanity we took the desicion to upgrade the class this way
clawsoft::SocketAlreadyBoundedExceptionThrow this exception whenever yo hav a socket that is already bounded to an address
clawsoft::SocketAlreadyUsedExceptionThis exception is thrown when a previous socket is listening to this port
clawsoft::SocketBaseThis is the socket parent class, this one contains information and methods shared by client and server sockets
clawsoft::SocketUnableToReadExceptionThis exception is thrown if it is not possible to read data from the other end of communications
clawsoft::SocketUnableToWriteExceptionThis exception is thrown if it is not possible to write data to the other end of communications
clawsoft::SQLConnectionThis class encapsulates the SQLDriver class and provides a much more complete interface to the SQL database connection paradigm
clawsoft::SQLDriverThis class is an abstract interface for dynamic loading database driver objects
clawsoft::SQLFieldMultitype container for SQL single data
clawsoft::StandardErrorThis class represents the Standard Error output stream
clawsoft::StandardInputThis class represents the standard input stream as a TextInput object
clawsoft::StandardOutputThis class represents the Standard Output output stream
clawsoft::StringThis a string treatment class, it has a lot of methods and the main idea is eliminate de use of the common tricks we use everyday while we work with strings
clawsoft::StringExceptionGeneric String exception
clawsoft::SyslogThis class handles the Syslog daemon
clawsoft::SysOutOfFileDescriptorsExceptionThis exception is thrown when the system is going out of files
clawsoft::SystemThis class is an interface for all System classes
clawsoft::TemporalBufferThis class identifies a temporary memory object it is intended to be used by the garbage collector Please be carefull while using temporary memory buffers because after the timeout has been reached all the memory it is storing will be PERMANENTLY ERASED


clawsoft::TextInputThis class is like a PIPE, it holds a method for inputing text from an object, this object \ can be a file a stream or any other thing, please note that this class is just an interface, for every text input subsystem that may exist in a future
clawsoft::TextOutputThis class is like a PIPE, it holds a method for outputing text to a receiving object, this object \ can be a file a stream or any other thing, please note that this class is just an interface, for every text ouput subsystem that may exist in a future
clawsoft::ThisIsADirectoryExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are attempting to open a file but the given filename corresponds to a directory
clawsoft::ThisIsNotADirectoryExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are attempting to open a directory and the given filename is not a directory
clawsoft::ThreadThis class encapsulates the thread library functionality through SDL and GNU Pth
clawsoft::ThreadExceptionThread Generic Exception
clawsoft::ThreadingThis class is an interface for all Threading classes
clawsoft::ThreadNotRunningExceptionIf you try to execute an operation that can only be placed over a running Thred and you're current thread is not running yet this is the exception that is going to be thrown
clawsoft::TimeThis class represents the time object
clawsoft::TimeParseExceptionUnable to parse and obtain a Time instance from the current object
clawsoft::TimestampThis class implements the Timestamp functionality, it will store the timestamp the first time it is instanciated
clawsoft::TokenizerThis utilitary class is used whenever you need to split a string into tokens iteratively
clawsoft::TooManySymlinksExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if the file you are trying to read is the last symlink in a very large chain
clawsoft::UnableToLockMutexExceptionThis exception is used when a mutex failed to lock the current thread
clawsoft::UnableToUnlockMutexExceptionThis exception is used when a mutex failed to unlock the current thread
clawsoft::UnableToWriteOnReadOnlyFileExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are trying to write on a read only opened file
clawsoft::UnableToWriteOnRunningExecutableFileExceptionThis exception will be thrown only if you are trying to write on an executable file of process which is already running
clawsoft::UndefinedClassExceptionThis class is not defined, are you sure this is the class you think it is?
clawsoft::UnixThis class implements the most common Unix system calls
clawsoft::UserThis class deals with user management and numeric id setup on on running processes
clawsoft::UserExceptionGeneric exception of the user class
clawsoft::UserIDDoesNotMatchExceptionThis is a generic exception for security-related events
clawsoft::UserNotFoundExceptionThis exception is thrown whenever you are trying to browse the user database for a specific entry and that entry is not available or non-existent
clawsoft::WriteWillBlockExceptionThe file was opened with NON-BLOCKING feature but if u write the process will block every I/O


Juan V. Guerrero
Jannette C. Mejia
Juan C. Guevara

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